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Date and time tokens



Abbreviated weekday name

e.g. Fri


Full weekday name

e.g. Friday


Abbreviated month name

e.g. Jun


Full month name

e.g. June


Date in the form YYMMDD (equivalent to %y%m%D)

e.g. 080611 for June 11, 2008


Day of the month (01 to 31)



Hour (00 to 23)



Hour (01 to 12)



Day of the year (001 to 366)



Long date/time representation of locale

e.g. Wednesday, December 17, 2008 19:03:47


Long date representation for locale

e.g. Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Month (01 to 12)

e.g. 06 for June


Minutes (00 to 59)



am/pm indicator

e.g. PM


Seconds (00 to 59)



Time in the form HHMMSS (equivalent to %H%M%S)



Week number (00 to 53)



Date representation for locale

e.g. 06_11_08 for June 11, 2008


Time representation for locale

e.g. 14_39_29


Year without century

e.g. 03


Year with century

e.g. 2009


Time zone name

e.g. GMT Standard Time


Time zone offset wrt UTC

e.g. +0100 for GMT during DST


Year 'now' in the form YYYY

e.g. 2009


Month 'now' (01 to 12)



Day 'now' (01 to 31)



Year with century 8 hours ago - useful when shooting events which continue after midnight



Month (01-12) 8 hours ago - useful when shooting events which continue after midnight



Day of the month (01-31) 8 hours ago - useful when shooting events which continue after midnight



Shooting data tokens



Camera serial number



File extension (without the '.')

e.g. JPG for IMG_4567.JPG


ISO value read from the shooting data



Image filename without extension

e.g. IMG_4567


Owner string (Canon cameras only)



Camera model name starting from the first word containing digits

e.g. D7000


Same as %T, but '-' are treated as spaces

e.g. D7000


Full camera model name

e.g. Nikon D7000


Image orientation: L for landscape or P for portrait



Image orientation in degrees: 0, 90 or 270



Tokens for modifying strings


The tokens below can be used to modify tokens or strings:






Extracts the first n characters from str (which can be a string or token).

{left,4,{filename}} for filename IMG_1234.jpg would give IMG_


Extracts m characters starting from the n'th character from str (which can be a string or token).

{mid,5,4,{filename}} for filename IMG_1234.jpg would give 1234


Extracts the last n characters from str (which can be a string or token).

{right,3,{filename}}  for filename IMG_1234.jpg would give .jpg

Other tokens


The value of comment entered in the main window



Artist string stored in the camera {newer camera models only)



Same as {artist}



Copyright string stored in the camera {newer camera models only)



Same as {copyright}



Number of shots defined in photobooth mode

e.g. 4


Shot number in photobooth shooting sequence

e.g. first photo returns 1


Date and time at the start of the current photobooth shooting sequence

e.g. 20110126_190509


Date at the start of the current photobooth shooting sequence

e.g. Jan 26, 2011 returns 20110126


Time at the start of the current photobooth shooting sequence

e.g. 7:05:09 pm returns 190509


The value of the full pathname of the photobooth images folder

e.g. C:\Photobooth\Profile1


The value of the photobooth images subfolder

e.g. C:\Photobooth\Profile1 gives Profile1

{photo1}, {photo2} etc.

Filename (without file extension or directory path) of each photo in photobooth mode



Shutter activation count (the total number of pictures that have been taken with the camera)

e.g. 1234


Same as {imageCounter} but padded with leading zeroes to give a 5 digit number

e.g. 01234


Same as {imageCounter} but padded with leading zeroes to give a 5 digit number

e.g. 001234


Filename of the saved print layout in photobooth mode (only available for captions used in photobooth prints)



Unique id in the form ABC12345 updated at the start of each photobooth shooting sequence. Can be used in captions and the filename prefix. The id is guaranteed not to repeat within 72 hours and is very unlikely to repeat within 10 years.



Message entered by the user when using the "Message input at end of sequence" touchscreen keyboard option



Optional message entered by the user when sending emails or uploading to Facebook