Breeze Downloader Pro
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Product Details

Current Version: 2.6.4
Released: 24 March 2023
Platforms Supported: Intel processors running Windows 11 and Windows 10 (not Windows 11 S or 10 S). ARM/SQ1/SQ2 processors are not supported.
Trial version: 15 days, fully featured.
Free upgrades: 18 months from purchase

Is there a discount for buying Downloader Pro & BreezeBrowser Pro together?

Yes, you can save US $10 off the total price when you buy Downloader Pro and BreezeBrowser Pro at the same time. Just add Downloader Pro to your order when you buy a full or upgrade license for BreezeBrowser Pro.

Does Downloader Pro support Canon's EOS R5 and EOS R6 cameras?

Downloader Pro 2.6.2 supports both download of JPEG and CR3 raw files using a card reader, and direct download via USB.
We don't have any plans to support HDR PQ (HEIF) images at present (October 2020).

Does Downloader Pro support Canon’s CR3 raw files?

Yes, both Downloader Pro and BreezeBrowser Pro support Canon CR3 raw file format