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Tokens are placeholders for text that is generated at run time e.g. the current date and time, unique ids or random numbers. They can be used in many different settings that use text e.g. captions in prints, filenames, message text, URLs

A variety of tokens for modifying or extracting elements from strings provide a way of creating dynamic or conditional behavior.


Date and time tokens


Hours (00 to 23)

e.g. 17


Same as {hour}


Minutes (0 to 59)

e.g. 45


Same as {min}


Seconds (0 to 59)

e.g. 23


Same as {sec}


Time in the form HHMMSS

e.g. 174523


Same as {time}


Year in the form YYYY

e.g. 2020


Same as {year}


Month (01 to 12)

e.g. 06


Same as {month}


Day (01 to 31)

e.g. 20


Same as {day}


Date in the form YYYY-MM-DD

e.g. 2020-03-04


Same as {date}


Year with century 8 hours ago - useful when shooting events which continue after midnight

e.g. 2020


Month (01 to 12) 8 hours ago - useful when shooting events which continue after midnight

e.g. 01


Day of the month (01 to 31) 8 hours ago - useful when shooting events which continue after midnight

e.g. 21


Year, month, day less 8 hours in the form YYYY-MM-DD

e.g. 2020-01-21



General tokens


Unique id in the form ABCDE123.  The id is guaranteed not to repeat within 776 days and two photo booths running at exactly the same time have a 1 in 216,000,000 chance of generating the same id.

e.g. APZRT965


Returns a random number in the range n to m. A new random number is generated each time the ready screen is displayed

e.g. {random,1,10} returns a random number between 1 and 10


Vendor Id of this iPad (same as the Id displayed in the settings screen)


Name of this iPad as defined in the iPad's Settings->General->About

e.g. Demo's iPad


name of user when logged in else empty


user Id when logged in else empty


user's email address when logged in else empty


Path of the current photo booth images folder


name of the current photo booth images folder


name of the parent folder of the current photo booth images folder


Filename of the saved print layout in photo booth mode (only available for captions used in photo booth prints and in message text)



Same as {filename} but returns the filename without a file extension


Returns the ready screen string which can set using touchscreen actions and used to select which ready screen is displayed. It can also be used to select backgrounds and overlays when using built-in AI background removal

e.g. rdy1


Event title (see Creating Events)


Event description (see Creating Events)


Id identifying the event. This is the MD5 hash of the event title and event description and is stored in the summary XML file saved after each session


Event name (defined locally or supplied by Breeze Hub)

{eventString1} to {eventString5}

Event strings 1 through 5 (defined locally or supplied by Breeze Hub)


Id identifying a gallery when using Event Kite for online galleries and micro-sites


A unique id when using Event Kite in the form ABC123DEF. This is updated at the start of each photo booth shooting sequence and be used in captions, QR codes and the filename prefix.


Print counter supplied by Breeze Hub


Returns 1 if {printCounter} reaches 0 else returns 1



The text entered in the sync keyboard displayed before updating an event

{qr1}, {qr2}, {qr3}...{qr10}

The values of strings scanned from a QR code

{bt1}, {bt2}, {bt3}...{bt10}

The values of strings received from a Bluetooth device


The 'to' email address when sending an email or the phone number when sending a text. This token can only be used in the message text.


Photo booth start time when using timed sessions

e.g. 19:00


Photo booth end time when using timed sessions

e.g. 22:30


Time until photo booth starts when using timed sessions

e.g. 2:35:12


Tokens for modifying strings


The tokens below can be used to modify tokens or strings:






Extracts the first n characters from str (which can be a string or token).

{left,4,{filename}} for D:\Photos\image1.jpg will give: image


Extracts m characters starting from the n'th character from str (which can be a string or token).

{mid,1,3,{filename}} for D:\Photos\image1.jpg will give: mag
{mid,3,,{filename}} for D:\Photos\image1.jpg will give: ge1


Extracts the last n characters from str (which can be a string or token).

{right,2,{filename}} for D:\Photos\image1.jpg will give: e1


Extracts the nth field from str. Fields are separated by space, period, hyphen, slash, backslash or underscore characters

{field,2,{filename}} for D:\Photos\IMG_0001.jpg will give: IMG


Extracts the first word from str (which can be a string or token).

{first,%L} for an image taken Monday, January 17, 2015 will give: Monday


Extracts the last word from str (which can be a string or token).

{last,%L} for an image taken Monday, January 17, 2015 will give: 2015


Converts str to upper case

{upper,%B} for a photo taken in June gives: JUNE


Converts str to lower case

{lower,%B} for a photo taken in June gives: june


Converts str to lower case and capitalizes the first letter

{capitalize,john} gives John


Returns str1 unless it is an empty string in which case it returns str2 (str1 and str2 can be strings or tokens

{default,1,2} returns 1
{default,,2} returns 2


Returns str1 if test contains any text except 0 else returns str2 (test, str1 and str2 can be strings or tokens)

{if,1,2,3} returns 2

{if,0,2,3} returns 3
{if,,2,3} returns 3


Returns 1 if str1 is the same as str2 else returns an empty string

{compare,photo,photo} returns 1, {compare,photo,image} returns empty string


Encodes str so that it can be used as a parameter in a URL e.g. when providing a URL for a microsite{urlencode,my name} gives


Converts a URL to a shortened version using is shortened to


Encrypts a string. This token is intended for use with QR codes on prints which can be scanned in by the app and decoded using the {decrypt,str} token.



Decrypt a string that has been encrypted using {encrypt,str}


Tokens for accessing survey data


Surveys are displayed at the start of the session and are used to capture information from users. There are three types on survey input: text, check boxes and radio buttons. The values entered in these inputs can be accessed using tokens in the form {<keyboard>_<input_type>_<id>}.
<keyboard> is the name of the survey keyboard e.g. "survey1" for the first survey keyboard, "survey2" for the second etc.
<input_type> is the input type which is "text" for a text input, "chkbox" for a check box or "radio" for a radio button

<id> is the id identifying the input



{survey1_text_name} - returns the value entered in the text input with id "name" in survey1 keyboard

{survey1_chkbox_promo} - returns 1 if the check box with id "promo" is checked in survey1 keyboard else returns 0
{survey1_radio_mood} - returns the id of the radio button selected in the radio button group "mood" in survey1 keyboard


These tokens can be used in captions for prints e.g. adding the guest's name to the print by setting the caption text to  "Name: {survey1_text_name}"

The tokens can also be used in the email and text message text e.g. "Hi {survey1_text_name}, here are your photos from the wedding".

Tokens can also be used to define the background/overlay suffix for prints, burst GIFs and videos.

Additional tokens used by Breeze Hub


The tokens below are only available in Breeze Hub:







The name of the PC running Breeze Hub



The filename of the file being downloaded from the iPad. This token can only be used when specifying the download folder.

2023-04-11 103532_1.jpg